Quality is even “simplification“

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Quality is even “simplification“



2018 | 2016 | 2015
Quality is even “simplification“

DECEMBER 9, 2015

In Italy, OTER is one of the leaders in fixing components for hydraulic and piping systems in general.
The focused investments have brought to an optimization of production efficiency, to a constant increase of quality standard and to a widest offer for products and services.

Daniele Ghezzi : OTER Commercial Manager, reports on news and strategies fielded from the company during the years.

How did your products contribute to the sector evolution?
Products that OTER has developed during its long production activity, have always been imprinted to the quality research and to make, as easy as possible, the daily job of the hydraulic installer. Our reality has always put attention to the messages coming every day from the market to the companies, messages that underlined the need of products whose facilitate and speed up the job of the operator, guaranteeing an installation always certifiable both under safety the point of view and  the quality of the job done.
Economic crisis and technology changes in the installations, obliged us to make important choices, even diversifing the production. We have renewed and equipped our machines to manufacture products suitable for automotive and oil & gas market, to enlarge industrial fixing adding to the already existing carbon steel products also the stainless steel AISI 304 ( A2 ) range.
We have people who work on develop projects which foreseen the use both standard products and ad- hoc products for the contractors market.
I’m talking for example of customized clamps for use of drainage pipes for the dam GIBE III in Ethiopia, the expansion of Underground in Copenhagen ( Denmark ) where all the fixing system has been done in stainless steel AISI 316 ( A4 ). We are developing partnerships always more and more profitable with planning technical studies to improve specifications in important projects both in Italy and abroad.
Indeed the growing in the abroad market is a priority objective for OTER. 
To concentrate our efforts on new projects and markets doesn’t mean to forget historical brands AQUAOTER and OTERFIX; they have rather taken  benefit to the improvements in productivity made through a continuous investments.

How is possible to get a right ratio beetwen efficiency and comfort in installation?
Through  the use of tested and quality products, but also through the professionally job done from the installer. Even a simple fitting used for water applications, if it’s very poor in quality or not correcly installed, could create damages, not only economic damages but also in terms of waste of a primary asset.

How do you pursue the safety for the installers and consequently for the end users?
Just supplying products “ Made in Italy “, checked and certified, starting from the raw material used. Moreover, we offer ended products always recognizable, taking direct responsibility in case they should highlight. OTER became synonimous of reliability, investing on specialized personnel and on high professional equipments fot the quality control on final products.

“Secrets and virtues“ of the daily job
They are the continuos attention and direct relationships, even personally, established from OTER people with our customers. OTER is a family company: we believe in human relationships both inside our company  and externally with our customers and their own customers. The attention on their needs, in a market which have changed a lot during the last years, allowed OTER to satisfy their request at the best, for example we have revised the minimum order packs in order to allow a best rotation of the products in their warehouse, reducing the slow moving and the obsolescence of itself. Customers needs are the motivational boost to make our best every day.

From 1933 in continuos evolution
Founded in 1933 by Enrico Tentori, in more than 80 years, OTER have been able to evolve itself in balance with market needs, proposing always solutions more tecnological and rich of contents.
Today Oter is one of the Italian leaders in the thermohydraulic field, sanitary and piping fixing. This position is opening perspective of growth on Italian and export markets.
The production potential have brought Oter to diversify the offer in three different brands : Aquaoter, Oterfix and Oterforging.
That become the identyfing elements for the specific products for fixing systems and custom production.


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